The SOS CV Cape Vert and FCS renewed their partnership concerning the work carried out by the Communitarian Centre in the quarter of Brasil. On the other hands there were accomplished signatures with others institutions which will make their efforts sharing know how and giving helps materials. Whitin the programme FSP the SOS CV Cap Vert is co-financing this Project with 1.943.000$ (one million nine hundred forty three thousands escudos), and the FCS with 1.446.500 (one million, four hundred forty six thousands and five hundred escudos) is assumed by FCS (Capverdienne Foundation of Solidarity). There were touched testimonys by beneficiaries families. In the same line, there were accomplished signatures of commitment agreement by institutions such as ICCA (Capverdien Institute for Children and Youth), Direcção Geral da Juventude (General Coordination for Youth), Verdefam e o CCEA (Adults Education Coordination).
The SOS Children Villages is making efforts in order to mobile external supports to finance the programme in next years; training and support with human resources at CICB; and as much as possible helps with food stuffs and clothes for the families beneficed in the programme. The SOS CV Cape Vert will do an account audit trimestrially
In this 9 months of management since its creation (30 Aout 2007) the Centre accomplished a lot of actions: distribuition of schools materials, medicines and clothes; pshycolagical attendance to children and their families in traumatic situations; workshops for the youth life conselling and orientation about way of life , vocational orientation, scholars attendance for the children every day in the Centre and among their teachers, integration of children in Kindergarten and Primary Schooll, inquiry among young people who lives in the quarter in order to create workshops and trainings for them. The programme has an crucial objective: in the future, helps the families in order to achieve an income and live on their own means.
The Coordination of the Centre is managed by Augusto Vaz, psycologist specialized in social behaviours, who will, also, keep the connection between the two organizations which supports the programme - SOS CV Cape Vert and FCS.