The personal equip is composed by 3 Responsible for Education, Socio & Cultural Activities – Nelson, Tairine and M.ª de Fátima, a stagier one – Avelina – and, finally, a Coordinator - Mr. Augusto Vaz – who are in charge. About 20 families, which means 100 persons, in average, is contemplate by this programme 30 or 40 child come to the centre, daily. According to Coordinator Dr. Augusto Vaz one of the most important objectives for the next months is giving more openness to the center with regular visits to the houses and areas where the youth are idly in order to come up more directly.
One of the families contemplated by the Family Strengthening Programme is Maria Livramento Lopes da Costa who lives in Brasil, a local urban area in the capital that is plenty of social problems. She has 18 mouths and souls to take care. Her husband, a sailorman, Mr. A. Monteiro never stays in home cause his profession. Her older one don’t have any occupation or remunerator activities at moment.
She said that she receives a lot of helps and supports from the CICB a project made by SOS CV Cap Vert in with FCS (Capeverdean Foundation for Solidarity). «I’m very happy for this support ‘cause I have more time to do my activities to win some money for the family». The time she usually spent with her child when they stayed in home is now used in activities such as washing clothes to exterior. Catiline, Nuriana, Elvis, Jailson, Juary go to this Social Centre since his creation. «Now they have better classifications in the school» she said «and Elvis who has more difficulties in the training has been attending by a Psychologist».

Asked about his methods of managing the programme and being more per formative Dr. Augusto Vaz was affirmative: «at this moment we have a micro-programme called Interpersonal Relationship and Conflicts Resolution in order to help our co-workers to get a good performance. We are trying to create new methodologies in our social work cause there is, now, increasing demands from the community which became more complex for this social centre».
In the quarter of Brasil lives two thousands and 320 individuals being one thousand 166 males (50,3%) and one thousand 154 females (46,7%).
In the quarter of Brasil lives two thousands and 320 individuals being one thousand 166 males (50,3%) and one thousand 154 females (46,7%).