It was celebrated, last Saturday, in SOS Cv Assomada, the XXIV anniversary of the SOS Children's Village Assomada with all the pomp and circumstance. All children and the entire staff was present. The happening was applied, the same time, for the delivery of the keys to the new director of SOS Children's Village of Assomada, Mr. Ritto Jose Teixeira. The thrilling and poignant moment of the event took place in the amphitheater of the village when the internals (6), Narciso, Sydney, Ivanilson, Kennedy, Eduardo and Isaias (who, now, go to the Youth Home, on the direct responsability of Mr. Alexandre Rocha, the Youth Leader ) received the keys that will give them access to a new stage in life. Meanwhile 4 internal will now have to get relevance in their lives out there but for certainly they will not have problems of integration in society and in life. Paulo and Elias are already in training in Portugal, with a scholarship, while the other two, Nilson and Jeremias, will have a training in Assomada that catapulted them into working life and, hopefully, without any major smoothly.