On the opening session the SOS CV Cape Verde, represented by his ND, signed with the Ministry of Education a partnership through which this entity will support the training of our KG educators and, concerning the Global Peace Games it will be done yearly through our both actions to cover all the country, by doing it with all schools. The next games will take place on 9 November 2008.
Under the theme "Together for the children’s rights" the ceremony has occurred with leisure and various panel discussions. The SOS coral group honoured the forum, in the opening, singing the song 'Here I am'. The meeting was honoured, as well too, with the presence of First Lady of Cape Verde, Mrs. Adelcia Pires and it took place in a climate of frank spirit of coexistence and peace.
The works began with the speech «Who We Are», explained by the National Director, about the values and the principles of the organization; then the presentation of the Study Tracking Frootprints by Dr. Claudio Furtado; and an clear speech, made in plenary, about the situation of Children's Rights in Cape Verde, presented by Dr. Orlando Borja, a representative of the National Commission on Human Rights and Citizenship (CNDHC).
Other interventions underlined the event, in particular, that concerning Dr.ª Julieta Mendes’s, on behalf of Mr. Josef Kitll, Regional Director of SOS Kinderdorf International for NW Africa, Mrs. Isabelle Carvalho, the President of the Foundation of SOS Children's Villages Cape Verde, as well as Dr. Dionisio Pereira who explained the subject Children Protection Policy.
A panel named «Children’s vision regarding the observance of their rights» was a real novelty and allowed grace to the forum with speeches by children from 10 to 12 years olds placing issues, as relevant as those of adults. For the first time the authorities’ representatives were confronted with the issues of children themselves with who they were seated side by side. Furthermore this was, in fact, a forum for the children, animated with music and dance choreographed by them. Concerning their participation we can say that they did assert their gifts and talents in the final drawings, showing some awareness of their role in observance of their rights.
A panel named «Children’s vision regarding the observance of their rights» was a real novelty and allowed grace to the forum with speeches by children from 10 to 12 years olds placing issues, as relevant as those of adults. For the first time the authorities’ representatives were confronted with the issues of children themselves with who they were seated side by side. Furthermore this was, in fact, a forum for the children, animated with music and dance choreographed by them. Concerning their participation we can say that they did assert their gifts and talents in the final drawings, showing some awareness of their role in observance of their rights.
The event ended with the speech of the Excellency Minister of Labour, Vocational Training and Social Solidarity – Drª Madalena Neves who made, on that day, a visit to SOS Children's Village Assomada and, then, taking part in the lunch set.