Party and a lot of fun was the wave on 1st Juin, International Children Day. In every district children commemorated the happening. The day begans with a concentration of children from SOS Kindergarten Assomada. They walked slowly around the city singing, and they arrived to the playground of Assomada District, an half hour later. They walked like a river flowing into the sea to get together and join with others children from Public Kindergarten and Primary School. The streets was plenty of childrens and as a certain capverdien poet wrote: «children are the flowers of our revolution». Yes they look like a «garden of flowers» in every colors under the sun. The activities and shows rooled peacefully beyond sundown.

Yet, in commemoration of this International Day of Children, the Youth Facilities organized a palestra sunmitted to the theme «Volunteering, an inspiration towards Hermann Gmeiner». SOS Mothers, SOS Aunt, Youth Leader, children and youths has participatede on this conversation around the man who creates the SOS CV and his legacy and his thoughts. They said that it was agreable and productive listen and understand the interventors. By the way, the palestra, directed by a sociologist, was ministred in
creol, our mother language, which increase the comprehensiveness.